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Amazing,100% candidates have passed the C_TBW55_73 exam by practising the preparation material of Lead2pass, because the braindumps are the latest and cover every aspect of C_TBW55_73 exam. Download the braindumps for an undeniable success in C_TBW55_73 exam.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-tbw55-73.html

Which BusinessObjects reporting tool do you use, if you want to search, filter, and drill through Information Spaces and view only the data you are interested in via advanced visualizations or charts? (1 correct answer(s))

A.    SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
B.    SAP Crystal Reports
C.    SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
D.    SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards

Answer: A

You want to print reporting data on a prepared tax form. Which BusinessObjects reprting tool would you use for this purpose? (1 correct answer(s))

A.    BEx Query Designer
B.    SAP BusinessObjects Dashboard Design
C.    SAP Crystal Reports
D.    SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence

Answer: C

Web Intelligence provides different modes. Which modes can be used to modify a query?
(2 correct answer(s))

A.    Reading
B.    Data
C.    Properties
D.    Design

Answer: BD

Which Data Services repository do you use to share definitions of source and target metadata?
(1 correct answer(s))

A.    Profiler repository
B.    Central repository
C.    Local repository
D.    System database

Answer: B

Which of the following are operation codes for the Map Operation transform? (3 correct answer(s))

A.    Update
B.    Normal
C.    Group
D.    Insert
E.    Move

Answer: ABD

What is the purpose of the Entity Extraction transform? (1 correct answer(s))

A.    To parse structured data and transform it into unstructured data that can be integrated into a database
B.    To parse PDF and transform it into structured data that can be integrated into a database
C.    To parse MS Word Doc and transform it into structured data that can be integrated into a database
D.    To parse unstructured data and transform it into structured data that can be integrated into a database

Answer: D

When is a change run required after successful completion of the data load? (1 correct answer(s))

A.    When changes are made to texts from characteristics used in an aggregate
B.    When changes are made to attributes or hierarchies from characteristics used in an aggregate
C.    When changes are made to attributes, hierarchies, or texts from characteristics
D.    When changes are made to the structure of the InfoCube

Answer: B

Which of the following InfoProvider types allow to build an aggregate? (1 correct answer(s))

A.    MultiProvider
B.    Virtual InfoCube
C.    Standard InfoCube
D.    BWA Only InfoCube

Answer: C

How could you optimize the performance of a BEx query? (2 correct answer(s))

A.    Create aggregates.
B.    Use excludes in the filter settings.
C.    Update the database statistics.
D.    Create virtual key figures.

Answer: AC

You have successfully loaded new data (Request 85138) into an InfoCube. The following figure illustrates the situation including the status of the existing and new data in the aggregates. As you can see, the new data is not available for reporting, yet. Which of the following tasks do you need to perform to make the new data available for reporting? (1 correct answer(s)) 

A.    Compress InfoCube
B.    Rollup into Aggregates
C.    Compress Aggregates
D.    Transfer InfoCube data into subsequent data marts

Answer: B

You can pass SAP C_TBW55_73 exam if you get a complete hold of C_TBW55_73 braindumps in Lead2pass. What’s more, all the C_TBW55_73 Certification exam Q and As provided by Lead2pass are the latest.

C_TBW55_73 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDaUN6OGRvTkFZd1U

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