[PDF&VCE] Free Updated Lead2pass C_TBW45_70 Exam Dumps Download (31-40)

2016 August SAP Official New Released C_TBW45_70 Dumps in Lead2pass.com!

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Test your preparation for SAP C_TBW45_70 with these actual C_TBW45_70 new questions below. Exam questions are a sure method to validate one’s preparation for actual certification exam.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-tbw45-70.html

The APD (Analysis Process Designer) in SAP NetWeaver BI provides a mechanism for reading data from a source and then transferring the analytical results back out to a data target. In this scenario, which of the following are possible data targets of the APD? (Choose two)

A.    Standard DataStore Objects
B.    VirtualProviders
C.    Meta Data Repository
D.    DataStore Objects for direct update
E.    InfoObject master data tables

Answer: DE

The design mode of the BEx Analyzer allows you to: (Choose two)

A.    Add your own navigation controls such as drop down lists and check boxes.
B.    Add in your own broadcast scheduling options so users receive the workbook by email and in their SAP NetWeaver Portal role.
C.    Insert results from other data providers into the same workbook.
D.    Access a toolbox of predefined macros that can automate common tasks.

Answer: AC

A BEx Analyzer workbook can be based on which of the following? (Choose three)

A.    A Query
B.    A Query view created with the BEx Analyzer
C.    An InfoProvider
D.    A BEx Report created with the Report Designer

Answer: ABC

If two queries are inserted into the same worksheet in a workbook, which of the following is a potential conflict?

A.    The results for one query could affect the results for the other query.
B.    The first query on the worksheet is the only query accessible by the user.
C.    If the user drills down in the first query, the query result could possibly extend into the area occupied
by the second query.
D.    The security settings of the first query would override the security settings of the second query.

Answer: C

One of your customers needs to know the BEx Broadcaster options for sending static snap-shots of data. What would you tell them? (Choose three)

A.    For workbooks, send as E-Mail as a Zip File.
B.    For a web template, send as ‘Independent HTML File’.
C.    For a web template, send as ‘HTML with Separate MIME Files’ as a Zip File.
D.    For a web template, send as an ‘Online Link’.

Answer: ABC

Which of the following statements best describe the benefit of using data bursting as a broadcasting distribution type? Data Bursting: (Choose two)

A.    Allows you to broadcast report results to large numbers of non-SAP users via email.
B.    Provides an easy way to improve the performance of all web-based BEx reports.
C.    Provides an effective way to manage security across all BEx reports.
D.    Allows you to broadcast user-specific results based on master data.

Answer: AD

Which definition best describes a “Bookmark”?

A.    A URL which links to a predefined navigation state of a BI Web Application.
B.    A Microsoft Excel VBA link to a predefined navigation state of a BEx Analyzer report.
C.    A pointer used to highlight data by color codes on a BI Web Application.
D.    A pointer used to highlight data by color codes on a BEx Analyzer report.

Answer: A

Valid BI source objects for the BEx Broadcaster include: (Choose three)

A.    Queries
B.    iViews
C.    Workbooks
D.    Value Sets
E.    Reports created with the Report Designer

Answer: ACE

Valid BEx Broadcaster distribution types include: (Choose two)

A.    Archive object
B.    Email
C.    CSV file
D.    Printer

Answer: BD

Characteristic value variables…

A.    …are created in the query definition and are therefore only available in that query definition.
B.    …are created for a characteristic in the query definition and are available for all query definitions of
the same InfoProvider.
C.    …are created for a characteristic in the query definition and are available for all query definitions of InfoProviders containing this characteristic.
D.    …can be created for global use on an InfoProvider level, and can be created for local use in the query definition.

Answer: C

These SAP C_TBW45_70 exam questions are all a small selection of questions. If you want to practice more questions for actual C_TBW45_70 exam, use the links at the end of this document. Also you can find links for C_TBW45_70 VCE software that is great for preparation and self-assessment for SAP C_TBW45_70 exam.

C_TBW45_70 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDWWZ6eHVPTzN4Unc

2016 SAP C_TBW45_70 exam dumps (All 85 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

http://www.lead2pass.com/c-tbw45-70.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]